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Hakka Guzheng Concert “1000 Years on the Strings”

Date: 15/06/2024 20:00 Saturday

Venue: Dom Pedro V Theatre

Artistic Director: Rao Shuhang
Guzheng: Rao Shuhang

Programme Highlights

“Night Rain Outside the Window”

“Lotus Emerging”

“North to the Palace”

“Inheriting the Qin Guzheng tradition and passing down the ancient music” – Hakka Guzheng music, also known as Guangdong Hanyue Guzheng music and Zhongzhou ancient tune, has a history of one thousands years and due to its unique artistic value, it is recognised as intangible cultural heritage. “Lotus Emerging” from Water uses the flower to express feelings, revealing ancient charm in wilderness. “Night Rain Outside the Window” depicts traveller’s melancholy outside hometown, and the sound of rain falling on banana leaves transport listeners to the scene.

Rao Shuhang is a heir and outstanding performer of Guangdong Hakka Guzheng with deep artistry and of exquisite style. He is a visiting associate professor at the traditional Chinese Music Department of Xinghai Conservatory of Music and a visiting associate professor at National Taiwan University of Arts.


Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, including one interval

Tickets are available through the Macao
Ticketing Network

Tickets:MOP 150/120