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Macao Chinese Orchestra 2024-25 Season Opening Concert – “Splendor of the Strings”

Date: 01.09.2024 20:00 Sunday

Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium

Conductor: Zhang Lie
Violin: Lao Li
Chinese percussion: Yin Fei
Percussion: Liu Heng
Sheng: Jia Lei

Programme Highlights
Duo Percussion Concerto  “New Century of the Dragon Year”  1st  movement – The Sun
Chinese  Percussion:Yin Fei
Occidental Percussion:Liu Heng
Comp. Kuan Nai-chung
“Violin Concerto No. 1”                
 Violin:Lao Li
Comp. Zhao Jiping
Sheng and Orchestra “Yun Shao”               
Sheng:Jia Lei  
Comp. Lu Yao-bo  Orch. Kong Zhixuan
Chinese Orchestra Suite “Sizhu Symphony”, 2nd Movement “Sizhu Symphony”  Comp. Liu Changyuan


The Season Opening Concert showcasing the perfect combination of Chinese and Western instruments. Artistic Director Zhang Lei has made every effort to create a selection of music that embraces the philosophical and emotional qualities of the East, while at the same time highlighting the power and elegance of the West. The brilliant Duo Percussion Concerto “New Century of the Dragon Year – Sun” was full of grandeur, the enchanting melodies of Zhao Jiping’s deeply moving Violin Concerto No. 1, Jia Lei’s “Yun Shao” with modern composition techniques and Liu Changyuan’s “Symphony in Sizhu”, will bring the audiences to a poetic and elegant castle of art.

Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, including one interval